Our district welcomed Linda Kaser and Judy Halbert from Spirals of Inquiry on May 30 and 31, 2019. The two day Inquiry Event held at Rendezvous Place in Port Hardy was also attended by a team (consisting of one administrator and one teacher) from each of our ten SD85 schools, Superintendent Carol Robertson, and Assistant Superintendent Christina MacDonald. On May 30th, five of our ten school teams each presented their Inquiry Plans for 2019-2020 opening the floor for questions and feedback. The group was joined by a few Trustees and additional administrators during the evening portion for a gallery walk of each of the schools’ 2018-2019 Inquiry Projects along with their findings. The remaining five school presentations took place on May 31st.

Spirals of Inquiry is a resource that promotes the leadership of collaborative, evidence-informed inquiry in ways that keeps learners’ progress at the centre. It provides field-tested tools and ideas to support leaders and teachers to apply spirals of inquiry, learning and action with their learners.