My Elders Tell Me – This book was written on the advice and in consultation with a number of Elders from the Tri-Bands (Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw, Kwakiutl, and Quatsino First Nations). Each Elder has a world of wisdom that this book only begins to touch upon. Order Form

Potlatch Collection Lessons – This virtual tour of the Potlatch Gallery at U’mista Cultural Centre comprises 6 different panoramic scenes, with links to high-resolution 360 images for each 3-dimensional object in the collection.

Aboriginal Worldviews and Perspectives in the Classroom – A resource that educators can turn to for guidance and support to incorporate new content and approaches.

Authentic First Peoples Resources – The annotated listings provided in this guide identify currently available authentic First Peoples texts that students can work with to meet provincial standards related to literacy as well as a variety of specific subject areas.

BC’s New Curriculum: Instructional Samples – Teacher-created instructional samples aligned to the new curriculum, some having an Indigenous focus.

Indigenous Knowledge and Perspectives Curriculum K-12 – Educators may use this resource to easily access where Indigenous Knowledge and Perspectives intersect with the curriculum in every area of learning at every grade level.

Indigenous Education Resource Inventory – The intent of these materials is to help further incorporate Indigenous knowledge and perspectives into B.C. classrooms. The inventory includes guides, books and e-books, articles, websites, videos, and other materials. Educators may find this inventory useful for supporting personal and profession Indigenous learning.

Coyote Science – An adventures-in-science series that encourages youth to explore the fascinating world of science – from an Indigenous perspective. 

Educational Resource Acquisition Consortium – This website identifies and evaluates Indigenous resources and resources on integrating Indigenous ways of knowing and learning.

First Peoples’ Cultural Council: Mapping Projects – The FPCC has two interactive mapping projects, the Language Map of BC and the Arts Map.

First Peoples Principles of Learning (FPPL) – This site was created to help educators in British Columbia understand how they might incorporate the First Peoples Principles of Learning into their classrooms and schools.

Four Directions Teachings – A visually stunning audio narrated resource for learning about Indigenous knowledge and philosophy from five diverse First Nations in Canada.

Gladys We Never Knew – An eBook on the life of a child in a BC Indian Residential School.

In Our Own Words – This guide offers information and guidance for K-3 teachers about how to incorporate authentic Indigenous materials into their classrooms.

iPortal – Indigenous Studies Portal Research Tool – A database of full-text electronic resources such as articles, e-books, government publications, videos, oral histories and digitized archival documents and photographs. The iPortal content has a primary focus on Indigenous peoples of Canada with a secondary focus on North American materials and beyond.

Learning First Peoples – Classroom Resources – Learning First Peoples series of teacher resources to support English Language Arts, Science, Social Studies and Mathematics courses.

Legacy of Hope Foundation – Contains downloadable resources on the history and legacies of the Residential School System.

Legends Project – A compilation of traditional oral stories, legends and histories of Canada’s First Nations.

Making History – A history of the Métis settlements in Alberta, which are unique, vibrant and prospering communities and have a land base of 1.25 million acres.

My Seasonal Round – An integrated unit for elementary social studies and science that demonstrates a personalized, cross-curricular approach to learning and that includes Indigenous content.

Project of Heart – An eBook illuminating the hidden history of Indian Residential Schools in BC.

Residential School Song – written by Cheryl Bear, the award winning recording artist from Nadleh Whut’en First Nation.

Shared Learnings: Integrating BC Aboriginal Content K-12 – This guide focuses on the diversity, depth and integrity of the cultures of BC’s Aboriginal peoples.

Strong Nations – One of the largest authentic Indigenous bookstores in North America.

Things You May Not Have Known About the Indian Act – A powerful post outlining the devastating impacts of the Indian Act.

Think Before you Appropriate – Things to know and questions to ask in order to avoid misappropriating Indigenous cultures.

Witness Blanket – Inspired by a woven blanket, the Witness Blanket is a large scale art installation made out of hundreds of items reclaimed from Residential Schools, churches, government buildings and traditional and cultural structures including Friendship Centres, band offices, treatment centres and universities, from across Canada.


Orange Shirt Day: Every Child Matters (September 30) is a national movement for Indigenous and non-Indigenous people to come together in the spirit of hope and reconciliation to honour the survivors of Canadian residential schools.

Have a Heart Day (February 14) is a child and youth-led reconciliation event that brings together caring Canadians to help ensure First Nations children have the service they need to grow up safely at home, get a good education, be healthy and be proud of who they are.

Pink Shirt Day (February 22) raises awareness of the issue of bullying in our schools, workplaces, homes and online.

National Indigenous Peoples Day (June 21) is a day for all Canadians to recognize and celebrate the unique heritage, diverse cultures and outstanding achievements of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples.

Moose Hide Campaign (May 11, 2023) is an Indigenous-led grassroots movement of men, boys and all Canadians – standing up to end violence against woman and children.