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The purpose of the Role Model Program is to provide schools with the opportunity to invite Indigenous community members into the classroom to share their expertise and knowledge. Role Models engage in direct services to students in the classroom or in a field trip setting. Role Models present a large variety of cultural knowledge and wisdom to enhance the educational experience of students and staff. The program is also designed to support and assist teachers in various Indigenous approaches and methods to learning.

Examples from previous years from the Role Model Program include Kwak̓wala language learning, drum design and painting, singing, dancing and traditional teachings, smoking Salmon, wood carving and traditional design, storytelling, history, regalia presentations, Big House protocols, plants and medicines, and cedar weaving.


The Elders in Residence Program is intended to provide the support of elders and knowledge keepers in classrooms and in schools to support learning.  The role of an elder can be to enhance cultural perspectives and share wisdom and teachings, promote awareness of cultural traditions, encourage the use of Kwak̓wala in schools, or act as a mentor and guide for all students.

Role Model & Elders In Residence Program Booklet

Elders In Residence Program

Elders In Residence Invoice

Role Model Program

Role Model Invoice

Language Invoice

Presentation Feedback Form

Tutoring Invoice & Log

Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Personnel File Form