Changing Possibilities for Young Children (CP4YC) is a partnership between The Ministry of Education (MOE) and the United Way of the Lower Mainland (UWLM).
CP4YC is a collaborative inquiry project that brings together Community-based Early Childhood Educators, Strong Start Facilitators, and Kindergarten Teachers who are released to work collaboratively in six joint professional learning sessions with release time provided by the CR4YC Project.
CP4YC focuses on social and emotional well-being to improve outcomes for young children. One of the CP4YC goals is to identify and apply a strengthened understanding of quality practices associated with improving the social and emotional well-being of young children. Another goal is to increase the coherence in pedagogy between Early Childhood Educators and Primary Educators.
Project Lead:
Jill Cook

Michelle Sedola
SD85 Teacher
“Michelle, we are so grateful to you for sharing your story yesterday at the CR4YC Provincial Network Session. I think it takes great courage and confidence to be willing to make your learning visible to over 320 educators from around the province. I really appreciated hearing about the pathway of your learning alongside your wonder child. I will always remember the reflections you shared: the importance of listening to children and trusting them. Really a powerful message.
With so much gratitude!”
Maureen and Maria
CR4YC Provincial Network