Education in BC is a shared responsibility between the province and local school districts. Publicly elected school trustees ensure that the local community has a strong voice in the education of its children.

The Board of Education, in accordance with the School Act, is a policy-making body whose primary function is to establish procedures and guidelines for the operation of the public schools. Local school boards are responsible for producing a budget and administering expenditures. School trustee elections are held every four years to coincide with Municipal elections. Seven trustees are elected for a four-year term beginning December 1 following the election. The next school trustee election will be held in October of 2026.


  • Approving an annual accountability contract with the Ministry of Education outlining student achievement improvement goals.
  • Preparing and approving an $18 million annual budget.
  • Employing in 2022/2023; approximately 500 employees, 100 (FTE) teachers and administrators, and 130 support staff for approximately 1300 students in 10 schools
  • Listening to local communities and giving voice to local public values and priorities.
  • Advocating with the public and the Provincial Government for the interests of our students.
  • Establishing policies for the efficient and effective operation of the School District.
  • Approving board authority authorized courses and resource materials for use in our schools.
  • Preparing and approving the district’s capital plan, which includes the purchase of new school sites and the construction of new buildings.


Trustees meet in standing committees to discuss school district matters. These committees consist of appointed trustees and district administrative staff. Some also have parents, students and community representatives. Committees make formal recommendations to the Board at regular Board meetings.
Standing Committees include:  Budget; Personnel; Policy; Administrator Hiring; Long Term Planning; Committee of the Whole – discussions only, no decision making (open meetings); Scholarship; Student Suspensions.


Trustees and staff also meet with representatives of other groups in joint committees to discuss issues of mutual concern.
Joint committees include:  First Nations Education Council; VINTA Professional Development; CUPE Labour Management; VINTA & CUPE Grievances; VINTA & CUPE Bargaining.


The Board also belongs to several Provincial or Regional Bodies including:
British Columbia Public School Employer’s Association
British Columbia School Trustees Association